Rebolando Shoushika x Kotsukuri - Original T Girl
[ほーるいん椀 (ツキワ)] 少子化×子作り~姉妹編~
#350359 - “Okay,” she heard Joey instruct, “take this end and drop it between her ankles, pulling it under the slack, good, now take this end, tuck it under her wrists, now tie the two ends together, perfect. From seemingly nowhere, a punch landed solid in her groin bending her over in pain and a sudden kick to her ass knocked her face down on the floor where her two opponents took advantage by taking her torn nightgown and fastening her wrists together behind her back. “Sorry,” Betty started while the young woman removed her earplugs allowing music to escape, “but who are you?” “Oh, I’m with Yard-care, didn’t anyone tell you I was coming?” “No, and what are you doing, I thought the lawn was fertilized by the water truck, and where’s your uniform?” “Oh, just started today, that’s why no uniform, none my size, and when the boys were here, they phoned in and said they saw some weeds and thinning grass, can’t have that, bad for company reputation.
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